The book of II Thessalonians is presented as a letter. It is addressed to the church in Thessalonica, and housed in the structure of Acts, represented as a church with mailboxes.
Images/Stories Depicted:
A man standing firm despite persecution, looking forward to “the Day of the Lord.”
II Thessalonians
Author(s): The Apostle Paul
Genre: Paul’s Letters
Audience: The church in Thessalonica
Written: ~51 – 52 AD
Chapters: 3
Words: 823
Period Covered: Paul’s second Journey
Number in Cannon: 42

Most Popular Verse
II Thessalonians 2:3
II Thessalonians
Paul writes this second letter to the church in Thessalonica shortly after his first letter. This letter was sent likely by way of Timothy, and Paul is writing to correct a few false reports and teachings he has been made aware of in their area. He encourages the believers to stand strong in the face of persecution, and that the “Day of the Lord” has not yet come. When Jesus returns there will be final justice and victory for those who endure. He encourages them not to be afraid and prays for the Lord to give them comfort and strength. Paul finishes his letter with another encouragement to not be idle, and to work hard vocationally and for those less fortunate, following Christ’s example and his own. He finishes the letter with a section written in his “own hand” blessing them and asking for grace from Jesus. (He most likely had a scribe pen the majority of his letters, so it was important that they know these teachings come from him, especially since there were false teachings addressed.