
Genesis is carved in stone on tablets/pillars, both as an homage to the ten commandments, as well as a representation of the foundational nature of the Law/Torah/Pentateuch. The most important writings during the time period were carved in stone of lead. (Job 12:24).

Author: Moses

Genre: History/Pentateuch/Torah

Audience: The Hebrew People

Written: ~ 1400 BC

Chapters: 50

Words: 32,046

Period Covered:  Creation -> ~1805 BC

Images/Stories Depicted:


Adam and Eve

Noah & Flood

Tower of Babel


Sodom & Gomorrah


Abraham & Issac

Issacs wife Rebeccah

Jacobs Birth

Jacob & Esau

Jacobs Ladder

Jacob Leah & Rachel

Jacob Wrestles with God

Josephs coat, dreams, and slavery

Egypt & more Dreams

Joseph tricks his brothers

Bible Project Links

Genesis 12-25a – Abraham

God Brings order out of chaos, and light out of darkness, with humankind being a reflection of God’s image, character and rule.

Mankind (through Adam & Eve) is given the choice between following God’s rule or pridefully pursuing the knowledge of good and evil for themselves. Adam and Eve fall, and sin is introduced into the world. A prophesy is made that a descendant of the woman will one day redeem mankind.

The world progresses in sin – Cain and Abel, Lamech, Nephilim, etc.

God decides to cleanse the world by way of the Flood. Noah and his family are righteous and are saved.

Mankind sins again and pridefully builds the tower of babel, at which point God confuses their language and they scatter. But there is hope in the prophesy of a Messiah who will one day redeem mankind.

Gods plan to rescue and bless his rebellious word is tracked through the lineage and story of Abram/Abraham.

Genesis 12-25a – Abraham

Abraham isn’t perfect, and his lack of trust in God has its consequences. He lies about his wife when a king finds her attractive, and he sleeps with his servant girl Hagar when his wife is unable to bare children. The descendants of Hagar eventually form the religion of Islam.

God bails Abraham out each time. He eventually makes a promise/covenant with Abraham that his descendants will outnumber the stars in the sky, and institutes circumcision as a sign of being set apart.

Abraham rescues Lot when captured by five kinds and pays tribute to Melchizedek the king of Salem and priest of God Most High.

Abraham’s nephew Lot, is a righteous man and escapes the destruction of Sodom & Gomorrah while his wife is turned to a pillar of salt.

He is eventually given a son Isaac, who God asks him to sacrifice as a burnt offering. Abraham obeys but God steps in with an angel stopping his hand, and Abraham proves that he does trust God.

Genesis 25-36 Isaac and Jacob

Isaac sends a messenger to find him a wife, who finds Rebecca at a well. She returns with the messenger, marries Isaac, and becomes pregnant with twins, Jacob, and Esau. Jacob grabs Esau’s heal during birth and is called “deceiver”. He steals Esau’s birthright and is run out of town. He works for his uncle Laben and is himself deceived into marrying Leah. He eventually marries Rachel as well.

While traveling he wrestles with God, who admires his determination, and passes on Abraham’s blessing to Jacob, re-naming him “Israel” – one who wrestles with God.

Jacob is given a vison of Angels ascending and descending a ladder to heaven.

Jacob has 12 sons, and his favorite was Joseph. Joseph can interpret dreams and is given a colorful coat by his father. His brothers are jealous and sell him into slavery in Egypt. There he gains favor with pharaoh by helping to interpret dreams and save the Egyptians from a famine. His brothers come to Egypt to find food, and don’t recognize him. He tricks them by putting a silver cup in one brothers’ wheat bag. He reconciles with his brothers and brings their whole family to Egypt, saving them from famine and death.

What man has intended for evil; God has planned for good.